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small cloud floating wide cloud floating small cloud floating

Now we are

Multiple Consulting

Next Patria Consulting, a well-established consultancy firm in Türkiye, has rebranded as Multiple Consulting to reflect its expanding range of services and commitment to providing comprehensive solutions to its diverse clientele in multiple areas of expertise.

Multiple Consulting Logo

Multiple Consulting is a multi-purpose consulting firm, with very diverse specialities and activities, including expat destination services, residence and citizenship by investment programs, sustainable and quality packaging solutions, assistance in building a recurring business model through anything-as-a-service (XaaS) fit for the outcome economy, developing or improving your indirect sales channel and its associated programs and finally modern branding and web design solutions.

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astronaut boy floating with planet shaped baloons
Crest of the Central African Republic's Istanbul Consulate

Istanbul Consulate General of

Central African Republic

Next Patria domain name remains the main point of contact for all Central African Republic's (CAR) citizens in Istanbul. Please use the button below to contact the General Consulate of the Central African Republic in Istanbul.

Contact CAR General Consulate
ICC logo

For the Secretary General of

Istanbul Consular Corps

The Istanbul Consular Corps is a not-for-profit and non-political organisation run by consuls for consuls serving in Istanbul, Türkiye. Established in 2001 as an association of all Consuls General and consular officers, both career and honorary, working in Istanbul, ICC's aim is to provide networking opportunities as well as informative seminars and conferences to equip consuls with information about the latest developments in Türkiye that impact on the way they discharge their consular duties.

The Secretary General's Office may be contacted via the button below.

Contact SecGen of ICC Visit ICC Website